
Come Touch The Wonder

Behold! Serious Creatures Issue 6's Wraparound Werewolf Cover

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Yes, issue 3 is coming out in about a week so what’s with all this issue 6 talk? Well, I got excited after drawing this and just wanted to show it off.

So far I’ve unveiled the covers for every issue except issue 5, so maybe I’ll leave that one a mystery until publication?

I dunno.

Issue 6 should be out by early March and will mark the end of the first arc of the overall Serious Creatures story, so we might as well go out with a sockdolager of a cover, right?

The question is, when the series starts up again with 2nd and final arc do I just continue the numbering (issue 7) or do we have a new number 1?

I’m leaning towards continuing the number since this is all really one piece.

Anyways, if you haven’t already subscribe to Serious Creatures here.