
Come Touch The Wonder

I'm Hosting a Panel About Writing at Alternicon 2014 Next Weekend

tumblr_inline_neqzyk7kSe1sg40wu I’ll be at Alternicon 2014 November 15-16th at The Midtown Hotel in Boston.

Wait, what the hell is Alternicon?

“Alternicon is a webcomic and alternative media convention focusing on all the gray areas that other cons forget.”

And I’ll be there for both days.

Day 1: I’ll be participating in the Author Improv from 5pm to 6.15 pm which will take place in the Executive Room.

Day 2: I’ll be hosting my own panel called The Road To Nefarious Twit: Finish Your Damn Project! That will take place between 10:30 am to 11:45 am also in the Executive Room.

Finish Your Damn Project! Will be an hour long bitter rant riddled with optimistic shrapnel about my creative process during the 6 year long creation of my novel Nefarious Twit and what you can learn from it and apply to your own project. There will be a Q and A after it so come to it with questions about writing, rewriting, kickstarter, publishing, rejection, more rewriting, does this boy like me, do any boys like me, do I even like myself? Also rewriting.

Basically I'm doing Danny DeVito's Penguin/Patton speech from Batman Returns.
